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12 Creepiest Abandoned Amusement Parks In America

Photo by aswphotos134 at Shutterstock

Holy Land USA, Waterbury, CT

Holy Land USA was a theme park and Christian tourist attraction filled with religious displays in Waterbury, Connecticut, between 1958 and 1984. At its peak, it attracted up to 40,000 visitors a year. The Holy Land theme park comprised a Garden of Eden, life-sized scenes from the Bible, and statues of Jesus.

In 1984, the place was shut down for expansion to attract more people, but that never happened because the owner died. The park was left to a group of nuns, who kept it clean but never allowed entry, which left behind decomposing relics of its once happy place.

Today it is the local teens and looters who have made their mark. Statues have been beheaded, tunnels blocked, and dioramas destroyed. From time to time, tourists still stop to look and explore, but they make sure to leave before dark after hearing of crimes committed here!

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