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6 Beautiful and Low-Cost Destinations for Road Trips

Affordable Road Trip
Photo by Brian Logan Photography at Shutterstock

How can i keep my affordable road trip…affordable?!?

We’ll admit that there are many factors which can determine how much you’ll be spending on your fall adventures, but we’ve created a list of a few ways you can stretch your budget. They include:

-Be realistic about your costs. As with any trip, there will be some costs you can control and others that you can’t foresee. So, do your best to budget for managed expenses like meals, gas, admission, and hotel rates.

-We recommend staying longer at each affordable road trip destination rather than jumping from place to place to ensure you get the best lodging fees.

-Travel during the shoulder seasons. Even if you’re restricted on the times when you can travel, you can visit a summer hotspot during winter or find a long weekend to enjoy a quick getaway to a more expensive location.-You should consider destinations closer to home to reduce fuel expenditures and maximize your vacation time.

If you’ve ever been to any of these locations, be sure to share your thoughts with our readers in the comments section below. And if not, which of these affordable road trips will you go on first?

For more fantastic ideas on where to go for your next adventure, Must See Places highly recommends you also read: 11 Fun 1960s Travel Destinations That’ll Take You Back in Time

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1 thought on “6 Beautiful and Low-Cost Destinations for Road Trips”

  1. Marie A Vallentyne

    This information is interesting if you live on the East Coast! The only place close to the PNW is Old Sacramento and we used to live about 40 minutes from there. Granted it is a great place to visit along with the Capital building. But a bit of a drive from here to there. Thank you for the information = maybe next time you can include some places closer to the PNW – there are lots of nice areas in Idaho!!

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