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6 Beautiful and Low-Cost Destinations for Road Trips

Affordable Road Trip
Photo by Monkey Business Images at Shutterstock

Want to take an affordable road trip this fall? Consider these destinations!

With inflation forcing the cost of gas, entertainment, and food way up, travelers looking to hit the road this fall may feel a bit overwhelmed trying to stay on budget.

But road-tripping the US doesn’t have to be expensive – there are plenty of affordable road trip destinations that travelers can visit that are shorter and more reasonable. For those without the time or budget to drive across the country, these routes are ideal.

Consider planning an affordable road trip through America on one of these 6 exciting journeys for an adventure rich in memories and light on your bank account.

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1 thought on “6 Beautiful and Low-Cost Destinations for Road Trips”

  1. Marie A Vallentyne

    This information is interesting if you live on the East Coast! The only place close to the PNW is Old Sacramento and we used to live about 40 minutes from there. Granted it is a great place to visit along with the Capital building. But a bit of a drive from here to there. Thank you for the information = maybe next time you can include some places closer to the PNW – there are lots of nice areas in Idaho!!

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