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8 Stunning Roadside Waterfalls in the US That Don’t Require Hiking

Roadside Waterfall
Photo by Mark Rust at Shutterstock

Upper Falls at Letchworth, New York

Letchworth State Park is another one of this state’s most stunning parks and is home to quite a few incredible waterfalls. Upper Falls is situated at the southern end of the park, running along the Genesee River.

A railroad bridge high above the waterfall still transports trains passing through Upstate New York and makes for a magnificent sight when enjoying the falls.

This roadside waterfall is listed at 70 feet tall and has a trail leading up to near the crest for those who want a closer look. But don’t worry. You can also get a glimpse of this captivating spot from the nearby parking area.

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4 thoughts on “8 Stunning Roadside Waterfalls in the US That Don’t Require Hiking”

  1. You should also include Gooseberry Falls in Minnesota on the North Shore!!! It’s as scenic as any others you mentioned!!!!

  2. You really need to come on out to the Pacific Northwest!!!! Some of biggest, ‘right on the road’ waterfalls are in the Pacific Northwest..
    Beautiful, awe inspiring, Multnomah Falls is only 30.5 miles east of the Portland (OR) Airport – PDX. It’s on I 84. You don’t need to leave your car if you don’t want to (they do have rest rooms if you need a pit stop 🙂 For an added treat, just look at the other side of I 84 and you’ll see the gorgeous majestic Columbia River (border between Oregon and Washington) on it’s trip to the Pacific Ocean.

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