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Top 4 Fall Getaways for Older Adults

Fall Senior-Friendly Destination
Photo by John Couture at Shutterstock

Check out these fall senior-friendly destinations to enjoy Mother Nature’s changing colors!

Summer travel seems to get the most hype, but experienced travelers know there is something special about the fall season’s weather, colors, and food! And apart from personal preference, there are plenty of logistical benefits to fall season travel.

But why should YOU plan a fall vacation? This season, generally considered to be late September to mid-December in the US, is a beautiful time to travel to some fall senior-friendly destinations.

Arguably, the main highlight is the stunning display of changing colors in nature. You get to see trees transform into vibrant shades of orange, red, and yellow, creating spectacular landscapes, especially in regions with many trees.

So what are we waiting for? Continue reading to see our top picks for the best fall senior-friendly destinations in the US to avoid the crowds!

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