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Top 4 Fall Getaways for Older Adults

Fall Senior-Friendly Destination
Photo by M.M.PHOTO at Shutterstock

Taos, New Mexico

If Taos was an unforgettable surprise for Georgia O’Keefe, Ansel Adams, and all the other artists who’ve ventured there for years, why not you?

The small village of Taos, with a population of less than 6,000, might not get the attention or crowds of places like Albuquerque or Santa Fe, but it has so much to offer, especially during the fall season.

While here you’ll get to witness expansive skies, a 1,000-year-old Pueblo, wonderful old adobe buildings, and the magnificent light that appealed to artists like photographer Adams, painter O’Keefe, and so many others in this location. Who knows… you may be inspired to pick u a paint brush yourself!

Here’s what you can expect from this fall senior-friendly destination:

-The town square in the center of Taos dates all the way back to the 1790’s, according to a plaque. It features souvenir shops, art galleries, restaurants and the old Hotel La Fonda de Taos. The adobe church that was beloved by Adams and O’Keefe is called San Francisco de Asis Mission Church and is on the other side of town. Georgia O’Keefe was especially enthralled with the back of the church, so be sure to see both sides.

-Taos Pueblo is the sole living Native American community that has been designated as both a UNESCO World Heritage site and National Historic Landmark. From Thursday to Monday, the village welcomes travelers to tour and observe the daily customs and traditions of the Red Willow people. You can glimpse the fall colors begin to peak at different parts of the state depending on elevation.

-The trees by the Taos Ski Valley area begin to peak in the middle of September, while the best time to visit the downtown area is mid-October. One of the best highlights of visiting then is seeing huge hot-air balloons spotting the skies during the Taos Mountain Balloon Rally at the end of October. It may be a bit smaller than the big one in Albuquerque, but it’s also free! You also don’t have to pay for parking, and you don’t have the same crowds.

Do you know of any other fall senior-friendly destinations you’d like to share with our readers? Or maybe you have your own preferred destinations for the fall season. Either way, be sure to share your thoughts on the matter in the comments section.

And if you liked this article, check out: 10 Breathtaking Locations That Will Make You Fall In Love With Fall

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