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The 5 Most Beautiful Beaches in Florida

Photo by Ingo70 at Shutterstock

Discover The Florida Beaches!

Sure, you can splurge on a bunch of plane tickets and fly to Cancun. But the reality is that you can find some of the world’s most beautiful beaches right here in our own backyard!

Thanks to Florida’s miles and miles of coastline, beaches with soft sand and crystal clear water are just a short flight away. Or even a drive, depending on where you live.

But with all that shoreline, finding the state’s best sands requires some research, and that’s where we come in!

To help, we’ve dug up some of our favorite Florida hot spots, from sprawling family-friendly stretches to tiny islands with intimate shore nooks, so you can make digging your toes into that beautiful white sand a reality. Here are 5 of the best beaches in Florida!

…Get ready to grab your sunscreen, ditch your sandals and discover some of the most beautiful beaches in Florida.

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10 thoughts on “The 5 Most Beautiful Beaches in Florida”

  1. Odd choices except maybe one or two.


    SANIBEL while gorgeous, was trashed by the last storm.

    No one should be visiting FL anyway. If you do, make sure you do not bring a book or the dictionary.

    1. Jean Ellen Bowers

      Please explain to me why people should not visit Florida? Why should visitors not bring a book or a dictionary?
      No, Sanibel is not as beautiful as it was before the last devastating hurricane. However, there are still lots of things to do and experience on Sanibel Island. I have lived in FL for twenty-five years and have traveled to many places in Florida. Sanibel is both beautiful but also has a wonderful community spirit, beautiful beaches and welcoming people. I am certain that you would not like your state judged by one unpleasant experience.

      1. Exactly. The Money from tourists is what keeps these places alive after a storm. If they stop coming the place can’t get back to what it was.

    2. I’m from Florida and I lived through hurricane Micheal people never talk about the storms when they happen and we need help but they use it as a reason to not visit. The areas here put a lot of money into getting it back to tourist ready and two years later they need the tourist dollars to continue fixing space back to what it can be and was.

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