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11 Underrated National Parks That Deserve Your Love

Photo by Laurens Hoddenbagh at Shutterstock

Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota

North Dakota is a misunderstood state, especially when it comes to its geography. This vast, sprawling National Park is the opposite of the flat, rolling grassland you expect when you think of the state. Here is where the Badlands start cutting into the landscape, carving sharp rock faces into the countryside. It’s where the night sky alternates between panoramic star shows and fierce thunderstorms.

One notable activity that this ND landmark offers is horseback riding through the hills and lands across the Little Missouri River. Buffalo and wild horses roam free among its river valleys and painted hills. The rangers still say “you betcha” though, because some things about North Dakota are correctly understood.

The park has been dedicated to Teddy Roosevelt, who magnified and admired the US national parks. The ND national park is home to many wildlife. Bison, pronghorns, elk, white-tailed and black-tailed deer, bighorns, wild horses, and other small amphibians, mammals, and reptiles. When there is heavy rainfall in the spring, wild plants bloom across the plains and river banks. The park isn’t crowded, so you can enjoy the solitude just as Teddy Roosevelt once did.

Next, who says a park has to be above ground…..

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1 thought on “11 Underrated National Parks That Deserve Your Love”

  1. Elizabeth Taylor

    I found all this information and wonderful photography absolutely fascinating!! There are so many fabulous places in this country that I will never see — Thank you SOO muh for bringing them to me!

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