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11 Underrated National Parks That Deserve Your Love

Photo by Travel Stock at Shutterstock

Channel Islands National Park, California

Channel Islands National Park gives you a wide variety of recreational chances and a great break from the chaos of urban life. However, since the park consists of five islands and surrounds one mile of the ocean, deciding where you should go or what to do can be challenging. Even though you can see them from the mainland, just north of LA, the Channel Islands seem like a different world. There are no cars or phone lines, and the diversity of wildlife is unmatched. Almost 150 species of plants and animals can be found here that aren’t anywhere else on earth. After a short ferry ride to get there, enjoy the wildest Island views via a series of shallow-water, sea lion-filled scuba dives, or paddle the coastline to see some of the world’s biggest sea caves in a sea kayak.

Speaking of Islands, here are some great ones you may want to visit!

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1 thought on “11 Underrated National Parks That Deserve Your Love”

  1. Elizabeth Taylor

    I found all this information and wonderful photography absolutely fascinating!! There are so many fabulous places in this country that I will never see — Thank you SOO muh for bringing them to me!

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