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Where to Stay … On a Budget

Les Grands Vents, Charente-Maritimeles-grands-vents

Located in the quiet village of Chervettes, in the heart of Cognac country, this beautiful 18th-century farmhouse is owned by Virginie and Philippe. They offer two chambres d’hôtes, set in the main house but with a separate entrance from the garden, and direct access to the dining room and living room. There is also a spacious, self-contained gîte in the grounds that can sleep up to seven guests.

The main house is decorated in wonderful French rural style (Virginie has her own interiors boutique in town), and the bedrooms catch the morning and evening sun. Chambres d’hôtes guests take breakfast in the dining room, while everyone can make use of the pool in the lush garden. Les Grands Vents is a simple yet warm and welcoming option for those in need of peace and quiet.

Hôtel Casa Pairal, Collioure, Pyrénées-Orientalescasa-pairal

Stepping into La Casa Pairal’s garden is like taking a breath of fresh air after being cooped up inside for too long. I had been travelling all day and was exhausted by the time I unceremoniously pulled into the private car park, hoisted the luggage, and trudged down the little shaded path towards the garden in the blistering heat. I emerged from the tree-lined path and was stopped in my tracks by the beauty of the place.

The pool was surrounded by a red-tiled terrace, shaded by heavy wisteria plants and dotted with deckchairs. Past here was the courtyard, with its enormous central magnolia tree, white garden furniture and fountain trickling quietly. Through the leaves, I distinguished the building itself: vanilla facade and big, elegant windows. Everything was harmonious, shining with warmth and light: I had to look around, expecting to hear a film-crew shouting “Aaand cut!”

The hotel is set in a beautiful 19th-century manor, where the period furniture, cool, patterned tiled floors and elegant staircase radiate charm and French style. It has 27 rooms, all air-conditioned, light and spacious.

Breakfast is a copious affair and consists of a buffet offering hot and cold options, with plenty of fresh fruit and juices. We enjoyed ours alfresco, under the cool leaves of the century- old magnolia tree, and listened to families plan their day out.

One of the best things about La Casa Pairal is its incredible location in the heart of Collioure, just 150 metres from the beach. There are plenty of restaurants and bars on the hotel’s doorstep, yet La Casa Pairal remains a quiet and peaceful retreat, ideal to while away the hours outside, and finally catch your breath.

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