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11 Most Breathtaking Cliffs Around The US

Photo by haveseen at Envato Elements

Aztec Falls, California

The 1-mile hike along the Pacific Crest Trail to get to these cliffs makes the chilly water all the more refreshing. One short but steep part overlooks the final descent to the falls, so wear good shoes and be careful.

Once here, a short cascade fills the pool, and the bottom is lined with large boulders and bedrock that vary from wading depths to bottomless holes. Gently sloping rocks around the rim are perfect for relaxing and sunbathing.

Numerous ledges from 5 to over 40ft are easy to climb onto and launch off of if you take the plunge. The transparent water makes the landing zones reasonably simple to spot, but you should always use caution and check the depth before jumping in…..You’ll also love these Waterfalls!

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