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10 Stunning U.S. Caves You Need to See With Your Own Eyes

Photo by Galyna Andrushko –

8. Lava Beds National Monument

The Lava Beds National Monument is truly a sight to behold, showcasing 73 square miles of archeological sites and important lava flow. This region is also tied fo the region’s indigenous Modoc people, known as one of the longest continually-occupied regions in North America.

With more than 700 caves, indigenous rock art sites and historic battlefields, Lava Beds National Monument is basically the perfect vacation destination for pretty much everyone.

In terms of caves, you can visit the Mushpot Cave, Lava Brook, Thunderbolt, Golden Dome, Indian Well, and Catacombs Caves, but keep in mind that Mushpot Cave is the only lighted cave in the entirety of the park.
Here you’ll also see formations that you won’t come across elsewhere, known as Lavacicles, where viscous lava dripped as it cooled.

Make sure to also stop by the visitor’s center if you want access to more cave and archeological sites!

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5 thoughts on “10 Stunning U.S. Caves You Need to See With Your Own Eyes”

  1. I know of two other caves that are popular. In Utah The Timp cave in a mountain called Mt. Timpanogus. (Sp). Arizona the Kartchner Caves by David, Arizona

  2. There is Longhorn Cavern outside of Burnet, Texas that is amazing run by the State of Texas that should be on this list. The colors are amazing. It was used as a hide out by the Comanche indians.

  3. I’ve been to Carlsbad Caverns and Mammoth Cave and enjoyed
    both experiences. Carlsbad was interesting to see when the bats
    began their excursions to the outside.

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