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10 Stunning U.S. Caves You Need to See With Your Own Eyes

Photo by arthurgphotography –

10. Ohio Caverns

Finally on our list are the Ohio Caverns, located nearby Dayton. Known as the state’s largest cave system, the cave was discovered by Robert Noffsinger in 1897. Later that year it was opened to the public and since then, the Ohio Caverns have been known as the most colorful save systems in America.

Here you’ll find breathtaking, active stalactite and stalagmite formations. Pick one or more several guided tours to take you all the way to Old Town Pump, Sunken City, Fantasy Land, and finally Crystal King, known as the state’s largest free-hanging stalactite.

Here you’ll also find The Good Luck Crystal, a formation that has been permanently stained after every visitor touched it for good luck. After the staff started noticing the brown stain on the 3ft formation, a no-touching rule was implemented in 1926. I suppose you’re going to have to find your luck elsewhere!


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5 thoughts on “10 Stunning U.S. Caves You Need to See With Your Own Eyes”

  1. I know of two other caves that are popular. In Utah The Timp cave in a mountain called Mt. Timpanogus. (Sp). Arizona the Kartchner Caves by David, Arizona

  2. There is Longhorn Cavern outside of Burnet, Texas that is amazing run by the State of Texas that should be on this list. The colors are amazing. It was used as a hide out by the Comanche indians.

  3. I’ve been to Carlsbad Caverns and Mammoth Cave and enjoyed
    both experiences. Carlsbad was interesting to see when the bats
    began their excursions to the outside.

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