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Did You Know These 20 Unbelievable U.S. Spots Actually Exist?

Photo by Dee Browning –

5. Roaring Fork Motor Trail in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

Fans of hiking, rejoice! We may have found the most stunning, underappreciated hiking trail in the nation. Take a walk through this old-growth forest along one of the largest mountain streams in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Also known as the fastest flowing mountain stream, it’s perfect for long exposure pictures, so whatever you do, do not forget your camera equipment.

At the end of your journey across this uncrowded hiking trail, you’ll find Rainbow Falls, an 80-foot tall waterfall named after the beautiful rainbows it creates in the mist. Make sure you time your visit just right in order to not miss out on all the dazzling colors!

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6 thoughts on “Did You Know These 20 Unbelievable U.S. Spots Actually Exist?”

  1. Jeanne M. Manfredini

    I visited the Byodo In Temple in Hawaii 3 or 4 times. Very peaceful place.
    Also made it the Chapel in Arkansas, another peaceful, serene place.
    Tho I didn’t see the cave, I saw the Mendenhall glacier area twice.
    Wish I had known about a few of the other places listed as we were in some of the other States.

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