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10 Astonishing Places You Won’t Believe Are In The U.S.

Photo by RugliG from Shutterstock

Papakolea Green Sand Beach, Hawaii

While this state needs no introduction, you may not know about the green sands of Papakolea. This is the only beach of its kind in the States, and one of only four on the entire planet has a green hue resulting from the mineral olivine, deposited by volcanic eruptions over millennia.

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3 thoughts on “10 Astonishing Places You Won’t Believe Are In The U.S.”

  1. I have been to Holland, MI many, many times. Love going during Tulip Time. The picture is of Windmill Island. You can tour the windmill & buy flour ground by the windmill. There are 1,000’s of Tulips. The Tulip fields are breath taking! Every kind & color of Tulip imaginable. Tulips are my favorite flowers so I am always in heaven when I go.

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