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10 Of The Most Iconic Monuments In The US

Photo by Daniel Reiner at Shutterstock

BONUS: Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, VA

While not an actual monument, but more of a historical landmark, don’t miss checking out this city. Colonial Williamsburg is an extraordinary place in the US that takes you back in time to the rise of America. This isn’t just a place to learn about our history. Here things are happening now, in THIS century.

It’s the place where the idea of our country is being born and where the standards we stand for as Americans are being determined. They are the 18th century, but “LIVE,” filled with the stories of the women, men, and children, both free and enslaved, whose morals and concepts gave us a new world.

Go back in time and meet the people who made America. Sing, dance, eat and have fun with them. For every person who wants to REALLY understand this country, this is your place!

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9 thoughts on “10 Of The Most Iconic Monuments In The US”

  1. gretchen jo de pass

    My now deceased husband was a USMC officer in the early 1970s. He had the honor of leading the sunset parades at Ft. McHenry during the summer months. Picture brought back fond memories of those nights! Thank you~

  2. Thank you for this most memorable tour. As I was going through the monuments, it dawned on me that my Dad planned many of our family vacations at the beautiful, historic sites, (Statue of Liberty, Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum, The Liberty Bell, and Colonial Williamsburg. I appreciate my Father’s excellent choices for some of our vacations.
    This year I hopefully will visit Mt. Rushmore, SD.

  3. Why don’t they ever include the third tallest memorial in the National Park Service? Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial is taller than the Statue of Liberty. Only monument dedicated to international peace.

  4. Jeanne Anderson

    Mount Rushmore has been on my bucket list for many years. I would also like to visit Williams Burg, VA. Thank you for this informative tour.

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