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Kanthaya, BURMA

BEST FOR… Culture, bird-spotting

WHY GO? Not so long ago, it would have seemed odd to talk of a Burma beach break. Now the country is hot stuff, and Kanthaya (otherwise – and aptly known – as Pleasant Beach) is its hottest sand. Get there before the developers do.

WHAT TO DO: Walk for miles along the deserted shore, stopping (and snacking) at fishing villages en route. Climb the hills behind the beach, for views of the sand, sea and reservoir (popular with migrating birds).

Beach in Burma

WHILE YOU’RE THERE: Hire a bicycle to pedal 8km north to Sat-thwar market; barter for handicrafts and coconuts from the local Arakanese people.

GET THERE: Kanthaya is around 260km west of Yangon (pictured).

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