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Enjoying Life: The Best Wonders To Visit On Holiday

The Vatican Museums – Rome

FOR THE FIRST TIMER – Don’t get stuck following the set route—it’s boring. Instead, head straight for Leonardo and the masters in the Pinacoteca, the Laocoon (one of the world’s finest ancient sculptures), and the painstakingly detailed frescoes of papal territories lining the walls in the Gallery of Maps.

RETURN TRIP TO – DOS – The Gregorian Etruscan Museum, to see the seventh-century BC gold Etruscan ‘bling’ from a nearby tomb and a breastplate embossed with rows upon rows of intricate miniature animals. The Carriage Pavilion has fab Popemobiles from the past.

MOST OVERRATED – The Sistine Chapel. Usually too packed to be enjoyable. Aim to get there at 5 pm, when crowds start to clear out. For the best vantage point, stand at the end below the Creation scenes. Don’t forget to look down— the original mosaic floors are easy to miss.

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