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8 Breathtaking Canadian Destinations You’ll Want on Your Travel Bucket List

Breathtaking Canadian Destination
Photo by aceshot1 at Shutterstock

Churchill, Manitoba

The town of Churchill is one of the very few places on the planet where you can observe polar bears in their natural habitat.

While you can see them any time of the year, the perfect months are October and November, when they move from their summer home on the tundra back to the frozen Hudson Bay for the winter season.

Take an escorted trip that will take you on a specially developed Tundra Buggy to the impressive Churchill Wildlife Management Area.

This breathtaking Canadian destination is also located directly underneath the auroral oval, making it an excellent place to see the astonishment of the Northern Lights.

While you have the chance to see the aurora borealis at any time of the year, your best bet is to go sometime from January to March because of the longer nights and chillier weather.

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