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6 Travel Tips That Aren’t Useful Anymore

Photo by halfpoint from Envato Elements

2. Some say that the air on the plane is actually making you sick.

This is totally a myth! The air on the plane can’t make you sick! Planes have excellent HEPA filters. “We’ve gone through great studies to prove that they effectively remove the bacteria and viruses that people are so concerned about,” says Joe Lundquist, an air filtration expert with Pall Corp.

So, it’s not the air, maybe the answer is sitting on your left. Also, a plane carries dozens of passengers every single day, maybe the tray table you touched was contaminated with a virus by the person who sat on the same seat before you. However, it’s false to say that the air on the plane is making you sick.

Next time you fly, make sure to have some disinfectant wipes and a hand sanitizer in your handbag.

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