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10 U.S. Waterfalls That Will Take Your Breath Away

Photo by TRphotos –

1: Niagara Falls, New York

Finally, we couldn’t leave out Niagara Falls, one of the most famous waterfalls in the whole world, right on our doorstep. In terms of volume, it’s the largest waterfalls in the nation and it is composed of three different waterfalls, American Falls, Bridal Veil Falls, and of course the Horseshoe Falls.

From May through October, you can visit the Horseshoe Falls via the Maid of the Mist boat, a very popular tourist attraction. For the best view of the Bridal Falls, take the glass elevator to the Prospect Observation Tower to the Cave of the Winds Tour! The park offers so much more, though, all tucked in 400 acres of wildlife!

We highly recommend bringing your rain gear and also visiting during the night for a view like no other thanks to different lights setting the waterfall ‘ablaze’.


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30 thoughts on “10 U.S. Waterfalls That Will Take Your Breath Away”

  1. Thank you for starting my morning with these.
    Our great nation is full of natural wonders and beauty. I’ve never desired to travel anywhere else. I’m planning on camping at as many national parks as I can. I wish I could copy this.

  2. We took a wrong turn down what looked like a road back in the early 1980’s and ended up here and turning around at the end of the road without realizing what we were leaving behind. We wanted to get back to the South Rim. We could have altered our plans and explored here, literally off of our beaten path. Along this road was where we saw a wild herd of horses which delighted; never came across another since., Allow yourself to alter your schedule to take in a fabulous new experience. Even though I have visited the Grand Canyon several times over the years, I never made it back to this spot. I did add Monument Valley to a quickly scheduled Arizona trip in 1992. Now I use a walker and am glad I took all the trips that I did, alone, or with my father, and later, my husband.
    Donna V.

  3. I have been here twice – yes, once again with my father and also my mother, joining them at an Air Force Reunion in Plattsburgh in New York in the ’80’s and again much later with my husband visiting his daughter at Cornell. On the American side you can come up close to the edge with the power of the falls. There’s also a trail by car where you can stop at points on the river; again, feeling the power of the water. You can take the Maid of the Mist ride for another power rush, and you can go through the cave at the river. Don’t wear socks! My parents went here for their honeymoon, and I remember thinking of this place as “kitschy” – common and touristy. But taking these tours and reading about its history positively impressed me. Donna V.

  4. I wish you guys would do the tallest bridges in the United States. Don’t leave out The Royal Gorge. Stunning as it’s a suspension bridge. There’s an incline cable car that will take you to the bottom where experience of being so close to the Colorado River will open your eyes.. You can take a tram across the gorge to the other side, or if you prefer, walk across the bridge yourself!

  5. I had no idea there where so many beautiful falls the only one ive seen is niagara. I will have to pt the others on my to do list thank you

  6. How about an urban falls accessible to all in the center of a city and county of three quarter million people…..Upper Falls of The Genesee in downtown Rochester ……..yes THAT GENESEE. The brewery overlooks the falls for those not into wilderness hiking !

  7. leona bradehoft

    This is by far my favorite as I have been there many times just love it . So beautiful
    truly amazing.

    1. Africa has some of the most spectacular waterfalls, especially the nation of Zambia. Victoria’s Waterfall is definitely one.

  8. Stephen M Bastian

    While flying a mission in F-4s with the Air National Guard back in the 1980’s we over flew Niagra Falls at 6000′. It was a crystal-clear night, we were able to circle for some 20 minutes as traffic was clear. The Falls were lit up like the fourth of July and there were skyrockets being set off. Their audience likely thought we part of the demonstration. Spectacular scene, wish I could have recorded it.

    1. Cumberland Falls in zKentucky also has the Moonbow which can be seen at different times in the year. Check Kentucky tourism site for Cumberland Falls Moonbow dates

  9. Peggy Tagesen

    My favorite is the Upper and Lower falls of The Yellowstone. It is quite an adventure to actually see them close, plus they are breathtaking.

  10. All the waterfalls are amazing creations of God. I like all of them! My favorite is Niagara Falls in New York. Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures!

  11. Looks stunning. Now if I ever win enough money to bring me to the US, I will have two reasons to go to Michigan-these beautiful waterfalls and the Reptarium/Aquarium.

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