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Break A Sweat In The Maldives

If lying horizontal on a pristine swathe of dazzling white sand is your kind of winter sun, then move the Maldives up that holiday wish list. The dreamy atoll is chocka with glistening islands and resorts that’ll offer everything from underwater dining and underwater spa-ing, to cocktails in treetops. But even the most avid sunbather can get restless, can’t they?

Cheval Blanc Randheli
Cheval Blanc Randheli

If that’s the case then Cheval Blanc Randheli is the place for you. The 45-villa destination is at the higher end of the luxe scale, with contemporary rooms and private infinity pools. Take a speedboat journey over to its neighbouring island, Maakurandhoo, and you can try the resort’s jungle bootcamp – a hardcore sweat-fest circuit that’ll work off that decadent resort dining in no time. Cross trainer? Treadmill? Not here, thanks very much.

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