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Chhattisgarh – Journey For The Soul

CHITRAKOTE WATERFALL – The sound of the gushing water precedes the jaw-droppingly beautiful vista of the Chitrakote waterfall, west of Jagdalpur. A frothy sheet of white plummets 95 feet, from a wide semi-circular mouth of a red tinged cliff, breaking the gentle flow of the Indravati River on top. An almost perpetual rainbow garlands the cascade in front of the waterfall.

Adding to the perfect scene are slim fishermen boats wobbling at the base; the scene harmonizes to form an unmissable photo opportunity. The legend goes that a large herd of deer once inhabited the verdant surroundings of Chitrakote. It is no wonder that the locals call it ‘Chitrakote Ghoomar’; in the local dialect, Halbi, ‘chi-tar’ is the name for a deer and ‘ghoomar’ is waterfall.

It is recommended to take slow steps from the rocky head of the falls. The thundering sound guides you towards the viewing pavilions in front, till you have to make a definitive stop to take in the sheer enormity of span of water dropping down. It is worth your while to walk all the way down to the base, to get enthralled by the entire view of the white crescent.

Khajuraho Temple

Adding to this stunning topography is a large stretch of sand and rock, mostly occupied by fishermen who spread nets in front of the falls. The hum of local life amplifies the charm of the waterfall. But the real brush of wonder still remains the enormous volume of water, in a playful harmony with the sun’s rays to crown itself with a rainbow.

TEERATHGARH – Wedged in the lush environs of the Kanger Valley National Park, the Tirathgarh falls provide an excellent view of the Kanger River tumbling down seven levels into a deep valley, over a flat rocky outcrop. The tiered waterfall against the red hued cliff sides look dramatic. It is easy to follow a staircase down to the first level and then find your way further down the natural rocky steps to the base, uncovering the beauty of one level below the other.

A popular local tourist spot, Teerathgarh is dotted with tourists, eager for a spray of water in their faces or some bold enough to stand right under the white frothy cascade. It is equally easy to extract yourself from the busier parts and find an isolated spot amongst the different levels. The second level has a small Shiva shrine in the middle of a rocky platform that evades the flow of water.

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